Boss fights and enemy attack logic

Updated the enemies attacking logic. They will now shoot based on distance, timer and if the player isn't null plus a small random modifier to help the enemies feel more autonomous.  

The enemies speed, spawn and wave spawn intervals , projectile speeds are now setup to scale with the stage, up to a defined maximum. This will help the game be more challenging and rewarding. 

There is a huge need for some UI to handle player naming system, I want to handle progression and rewards in loot locker along player inventories, etc.

I've also drawn a boss with multiple animations for the jam, and I'm working on some more. All 32 bit sprites in edge 32 color space. I'll upload those after the jam concludes and won't be adding them to the demo until the jam. The version you see here will remain largely unchanged for from here until the jam for competitive purposes.

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23 days ago

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