Game Jam

I didn't think to keep up a devlog on this before the project began.

The project was for a game jam: ScoreSpace Jam #24

The project placed #61st. I'm not unhappy with this, but I think I know why this was so, as well. For starters, I didn't really get to hit on the  theme as I would have liked. There was more development that needed to be done by the time the jam ended. I ended up settling with the asteroids exploding into 4 pieces. A crumby excuse for matching the theme of Evolution, but at least there was something! What I wanted to do was more along the lines of waves of enemies that increase in intensity and drops/experience upgrades for your ship/guns/etc. I also had ambitious plans for implementing a boss fight...that was pretty far down the priority list and didn't make it into the game for the jam.

I was able to get the enemy ships running on a FSM prior to the deadline, this was a big win because it helped to clean up the player and enemy to a more polished feel. Though, implementing the FMS was great, it wasn't easy to hook up to the game manager and set up the enemy wave system, so I opted for a timer which worked well in a pinch.

I think one thing that really brought up the feel for the game was the game audio that I used to create the game, though I didn't add any music before the deadline to the jam. I made the gun sounds and explosions, etc. Those were necessary to help the game make more sense for the player imo.

I don't think that time was a factor as much as life was for me, if I wasn't so busy I think I would have done much more and brought the game closer to completion by the deadline. Selling my car the same weekend as doing the jam wasn't the best move for my sanity! 

All in all, I'm quite happy with the game. The update that was just posted Today really helps to outline what most of the games aspirations were set to. There are a few more updates to gameplay and a major UI update to come! 

Also, I really just want to say if you cared enough to read this much I am more than extremely grateful. Please leave me a <3 to let me know you were here!

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